Blog Entry for September 24th 2011
The Murray Road Project.
Day 1
Note: I am starting a new blog not because I am a megalomaniac and I think I need more than one, but because this computer does not have microsoft word, so I am using google docs to compose and using the google powered blog to publish is easier.
From today until October 15th I will be house-sitting for my Grandparents in East Montpelier. I am three miles uphill from downtown Montpelier and I do not have a car. I am not complaining about this because it is entirely of my own doing but I just thought I should give my readers a sense of my situation.
At my disposal are cable television (this is an upgrade from my parents’ house), internet (but not wifi), three horses, three cats, one elkhound, some apple trees, lots of nice open property and some woods trails, and a hot tub. On top of all of that is whatever alcohol I choose to bring into the equation, my bass and electric guitars, books, and my own imagination.
My obligations include feeding all of the animals, exercising the dog and horses, cleaning up poop, and generally maintaining the property. My personal commitments include co-ed soccer on Sundays and following up on a couple of other employment opportunities. One of these is an interview that I am waiting to hear back from and the other is a pending interview. My boyfriend will be coming up from NYC to visit me sometime in the next week. Because I am already sorting out my employment as well as being paid to be here, I am feeling less stressed than I have been in past weeks. Because I don’t have a car and my parents both work during the day I don’t even have the option of worrying about getting home.
The next three weeks are yawning in front of me and even though I know that I’ll probably go a little crazy trying to keep myself occupied I am excited to have the luxury of self-reflection with out the pressure of knowing that there are better things that I could be doing with my time. I'm helping out my grandparents while making a little money and getting to feel more my age again. I can’t say that I’m not also excited to have a little personal space for a while. I think I’ve done quite well adjusting to not having my own room or my own bathroom or the ability to leave my clothing out in the open without having to worry about them being taken to a middle school and lost to me forever (Nina if you’re reading this you need to get my boots out of your locker and I haven’t forgotten about my coat.If it's still stuck I'm sure that someone can fix it.), but I welcome the prospect of a few square feet that isn’t a traffic zone and a door that closes even if I don’t need it since I’m the only one here.
My personal goals are diet and exercise and catching up on my reading, writing, and musical growth. Also I plan on seeing a few matinees downtown. After all, once I move to NYC the Vermont movie-going experience is going to seem relatively cheap and easy so I might as well take advantage while I can. I haven’t been grocery shopping yet so I can’t start planning my weekly menu. That will be tomorrow’s task. It’s mid afternoon now and it’s pretty muggy out so I doubt that I’ll head downtown tonight seeing as I have to walk both ways. I’ll do some core work and watch TV after I walk the dog and feed the horses. Later on I’ll have some gin and work on “my novel”. I haven’t actually started one yet, and I don’t consider myself a writer of fiction, but I’m young enough that I figure if I start it now maybe in ten years I’ll have something good. So far all I have is the idea of post-collegiate 20 somethings who make the mistake of considering themselves adults.
Tomorrow (projected):
Up at 7AM
AM horse and Dog Feedings
AM Dog Walk
12 pm-1 pm Soccer game in Williston (ride from dad)
Forget that the banks aren’t open on Sundays and stop at one to deposit my check
Forget that the good Sushi place isn’t open on Sundays and suggest that we go there for lunch
Eat something relatively disappointing for lunch
Kill Time
PM horse and dog feedings
PM Dog Walk
Stretching, TV, Etc...
Sounds exciting. I know.
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