Saturday, October 4, 2014

Hot Topics: Catcalling, Terrorism, and Our Entirely Fucked Up Power Structure

Most Problems Can Be Solved By Abortions.

I think its safe to say that any man who thinks that street harassment is an acceptable behavior (including men who don't actually do it themselves but support the practice) probably had a mother who either didn't have time to raise him or never wanted him in the first place. Yes, an absent father figure can also have a negative affect, but even a single mother can grab her shitty little offspring by the ear and say "WHAT did you just say about that girls tits, you little monster?". Mothers are the ones who really hold the power to ending harassment. Therefor, abortion and proper birth control is the answer to street harassment. Reluctant mothers=shitty men. Since our entirely fucked up power structure refuses to facilitate this very basic concept, they could at least make it legal to shoot any man caught harassing women in public in the nuts with a tranquilizer gun. If we sterilize these should-have-been-abortions in the process, then so be it.

Speaking of Power Structures….

The National and International power structure is the way it is because people, historically, do not want to do things for themselves. The minute you give up a little bit of autonomy because you think it will improve your quality of living, there is room for some opportunistic bastard to step in a make decisions for you that you didn't anticipate. Is it a complete fallacy that anyone in any government is at all qualified for the job of making decisions for everyone everywhere. The smartest people on earth- the ones who actually might be able to help sort things out- do not WANT that job. They are too busy amusing themselves with electronics or writing jokes for Veep. This goes DOUBLE for anyone in the Police or Armed Forces. There are thousands of noble, brave citizens risking their lives for what they perceive to be public safety, but their leadership is mostly full of self-righteous, power crazed biggots who have completely lost touch with what their role in society is supposed to be. And yes, a non-white officer who hates Muslims is still a bigot. It isn't always a visible race issue.

As for American Government specifically, anyone who can be so easily indoctrinated as to actually stick to their party lines has to be at least a little bit stupid. I don't have an answer for this problem. I think it's a problem that we're stuck with. Pick your battles and fight for them, but don't ever expect that the government wants you to be happy. Who knows what those idiots want (probably money and to have their stupid, blobby face on a stamp or some shit).

But What About Good Vs Evil?

Things like Isis and the Taliban are very scary and we want them to go away. It's pretty fucking absurd to think that this is possible though unless they also have a plan to eliminate the human capacity for fear and hatred. We can bomb the shit out of the middle east and extinguish every last terrorist affiliate, but no matter what there will be people who only want to destroy everything that they don't agree with. Let's be honest, there are thousands of people in the US who would gladly run around shooting anyone who threatens their ideology, but we don't allow that kind of thing and most people are very afraid of prison. America is not the answer to the question of human error. Some of us are more dark and slimy on the insides than others, and there are no geographic limitations to where they might be lurking.

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